James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

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1041 – Purposeful Living: Navigating Your Business Journey in Good Mental Health with Amrit Sandhu

Business success needn't compromise mental health. Explore the synthesis of entrepreneurship and purposeful living as James chats with Amrit Sandhu. 

1007 – From Concept to Launch: Navigating the Steps of Website Project Management

Explore the website design and development process with James Schramko and Charl Coetzee, highlighting key management steps for project success. 

1110 – Fixing Operational Bottlenecks

Your business can only grow as fast as your systems allow. James and guest Lloyd Thompson discuss bottlenecks and business process optimization. 

1109 – The 7-Element Video Strategy for Business Growth

Some businesses chase trends. Others use video strategy to attract, engage, and convert. Guest Ben Amos has an approach that sets winners apart. 

1108 – Why Your Brand’s Biggest SEO Battle is Happening Outside of Google

In 2025, people are more likely to ask AI than search engines for answers. James and PlatformLeverage's Gert Mellak discuss the impact on SEO.