The Sadhguru Podcast

The Sadhguru Podcast

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Head or Heart, which one to listen to? - Sadhguru

Sadhguru shares his wisdom on how to make decisions when our heart seems to say one thing and the head seems to say another thing. 

Night Owl or Early Bird: Which Is Better?

Is it normal to feel more energetic and efficient in the night than during day? Sadhguru answers. 

Tips to Eat Right Sleep Less For Students - Sadhguru

Sadhguru explains how food impacts sleep and the performance of a student. He also suggests what kind of food can help a student stay alert, focused and efficient. 

Can a Modern Woman be an Ideal Wife? – Sadhguru

A student at the London School of Economics asks Sadhguru about the social expectations from a modern wife. 

How to Overcome Heartbreak - Sadhguru

Of love and heartbreak! In this interesting conversation with a group of students, Sadhguru unravels the mechanics of a love affair. Watch as Sadhguru gives an insight on handling human emotions and life as such.